Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A golden-coloured, water-soluble fabric dye was distil.... saffron greek

A golden-coloured, water-soluble fabric dye was distilled from saffron stigmas in India in ancient times. As a , saffron was strewn in Greek and Roman halls, courts, theatres, and baths; it became especially associated with the hetaerae, a professional class of Greek courtesans. Believed native to the Mediterranean area, Asia Minor, and Iran, the saffron crocus has long been cultivated in Iran and Kashmir and is supposed to have been introduced into Cathay by the Mongol invasion. Saffron is cultivated chiefly in Spain, France, Sicily, Italy (on the lower spurs of the Apennines Range), and in Iran, and Kashmir. APA style: saffron. saffron greek


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