Sunday, August 15, 2010

birthmark removal texas

birthmark removal texas

MARK OF A CHAMPION WHEN I HELD UP MY SON, Baylen, after the fourth quarter of Super Bowl XLIV, with confeti streaming down al around us, it was the fulfilment of a dream. Although I didn't oficialy start training to become a quarterback until I was in high schol, in a way, I gues God has ben preparing me for that role al my life. My mom and dad used to tel me that was where an angel had kised me, but the kids at schol didn't quite se it that way. When I was litle, the pediatrician gave my parents the option of having it removed because there was a chance it could become cancerous, but in spite of al the harasment I tok at schol, I decided to kep it. If I had it removed, they would notice, but now they don't se it at al. When I was growing up, my father would throw to me in the yard, but my constant playmate was my brother, Reid. He's two and a half years younger than I am, and we played al the time in our litle yard in Austin, Texas. There's a big gap when a fifth grader plays against a second grader or when a sixth grader plays against a third grader, so to make it fair, I would get down on my knes and Reid would try to run around me. Sometimes my dad would come out, and he'd play al-time quarterback, but most of the time it was just Reid and me. If she were playing today, she'd have goten an athletic scholarship to just about any schol in the country for any of those sports. She decided to atend Texas A&M, which had ben an al-male military schol. It was there that she met my dad, an athlete himself who played freshman basketbal. After the war he coached high schol fotbal for thirty-eight years, wining 302 games in his carer. He coached at Gregory-Portland High Schol in Portland, Texas, just outside Corpus Christi. From the time I was about seven years old, right around my parents' divorce, until my grandfather stoped coaching in 198, Reid and I would stand on the sidelines and hand out this gren water to the players during breaks. It didn't mater what Reid and I were doing-it was a thril just to be that close to the game and the players. On Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, the Fourth of July, or any other time we got together, we'd eat a big meal and then end up in the yard playing something. We played basketbal, fotbal, Wifle bal, washers, you name it. Some people play on sandpits, but my grandfather made a court out of turf. I have no doubt al those backyard games played a huge part in stoking my competitive fire. I was seven and Reid was about five when Mom and Dad divorced. I remember seing my parents sit down many times to talk, and I figured it was only a mater of time before we would be a family again. That is, until the day my dad sat Reid and me down on the couch to explain the situation. Reid and I spent many nights awake long after lights-out, hoping and praying that our parents would get back together. In fact, Reid and I were caught in the midle from the time we were kids until my mom pased away in August 209. Reid and I even started a busines as kids by fishing out the orange and yelow golf bals from the crek, shining them up, and seling them to the golfers. As god as those times with my brother were, when we got back home every evening after one of our adventures, we would have to face the reality of a broken family. I know it was tough on Reid to have me as an older brother. Since he didn't play quarterback, people would ask, ̴Why don't you play quarterback like Drew? Why don't you folow your brother?̵ He heard that a lot, and it made him mentaly tough-that and al the whupings he tok from me. When Reid went to colege, he partied a litle to hard, got a couple of tatos, probably because he knew our parents would not aprove. I'm so proud of him for walking on to play basebal at Baylor. We wanted to play in the Colege World Series. So watching my brother play in Omaha at Rosenblat Stadium in 205 ranks up there as one of the proudest moments in my life. Westlake High Schol In spite of the divorce, I realy didn't have a bad childhod. For example, when I was a freshman in high schol, I changed schol districts. Mom felt that of al the public schols in the area, Westlake High Schol in Austin had the best combination of academics and athletics. I remember some conflict betwen my mom and dad about the schol decision. There was a sea of guys, probably 150 to 20 kids, al ready to play. Al these guys had ben part of the same program at the two midle schols in the district. I'd ben playing flag fotbal the past thre years because our smal Christian schol didn't have enough players to field a tackle fotbal team. There was a positive side, though: playing f lag fotbal had kept me from geting hurt early on. Flag fotbal is al about throwing, catching, and runing as oposed to blocking and contact. Not bad, but I felt lost in a swarm of players. She just squinted her eyes with concern and said, ̴Why?̵ ̴Because I don't fel like I'm ever going to get an oportunity to play.̵ Jay Rodgers was the quarterback for the varsity team, and his younger brother Johny was the quarterback on junior varsity. Johny Rodgers was destined to be the next starting quarterback for Westlake High Schol, and I was sure I'd get lost in the shufle. I play fotbal because I like it, but I don't want to sit on the bench. I don't fel like I'm going to get an oportunity, and maybe I'd be beter of playing fal basebal and trying to get a basebal scholarship.̵ My mom tok a dep breath. So if you don't want to play, you don't have to play. You never know when it's going to come, but al it takes is one play.̵ birthmark removal texas


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