Thursday, August 12, 2010

The purpose of using drugs is to relieve symptoms, treat in.... drug schedul

Unnecessary drug use also increases the possibility of drug interactions that may interfere with drug effectiveness. Some drugs can inhibit metabolism, which allows the amount of the drug to accumulate in the system, leading to potential if the dose is not decreased. , a drug used to treat peptic ulcers, causes few side effects by itself, but it does inhibit drug-metabolizing microsomal enzymes in the liver, increasing concentrations of many drugs that depend on these enzymes to be metabolized. Sometimes a physician may prescribe a drug to treat a symptom that actually is a side effect of another drug. should inform their physicians of any new drugs they are taking, as well as consult with the pharmacist about possible interactions that a nonprescription drug might have with a prescription drug already being taken. This includes the approval of new drugs, identification of new indications, official labeling (to prevent unwarranted claims), surveillance of adverse drug reacti! ons, and approval of methods of manufacture. Drugs produced for such cases are made available under the Orphan Drug Act of 1983, which was intended to stimulate the development of drugs for rare diseases. Schedule II drugs, including narcotics such as opium and cocaine and stimulants such as amphetamines, have a high potential for abuse and dependence. Schedule IV contains drugs that have limited potential for abuse or dependence, and includes some sedatives, antianxiety agents, and nonnarcotic analgesics. Schedule V drugs have an even lower potential for abuse than do schedule IV substances. Special triplicate prescription forms are required in certain states for schedule II drugs, and a patient's supply of these drugs cannot be replenished without a new prescription. drug schedul


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