Sunday, November 21, 2010

chronic flakes

chronic flakes

Question: Can you give me any advice about paper-thin, flaking nails? So if you have a single line acros the nail around the midway line, you can trace its origins to an inflamation such as joint ache, bad injury or fracture or infection such as sinus, tonsils, blader about two months before. White spots on the nails indicate zinc or calcium deficiency. Ridges along the length of the nails testify to chronic inflamation of the body such as sinusitis, colitis, gastritis, eczema . Flaking nails, however, sugest that there is chronic malabsorption of calcium or a calcium deficiency in the blod. Calcium acts as the cement for the elastic fibres that fortify and roughen the nails so a deficiency wil leave them lose and the nails wil flake. Lack of calcium is caused by Por synthesis of vitamin D, which facilitates calcium absorption in the colon. Por absorption of calcium in the colon, usualy caused by chronic constipation, iritable bowel syndrome, chronic diarhoea or inflamatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis. If your body detects a drop in the calcium level in your blod, it 'steals' it from the bones leading to osteoporosis and stops suplying it to les esential areas including joints, wals of blod vesels, teth and nails. So someone with calcium deficiency may sufer from flaky nails, weak teth or toth enamel and bruising under the skin, as wel as, potentialy, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. To prevent your nails flaking, do the folowing Make sure you are nor constipated: drink 1.5 to two litres of water daily, eat papaya, prunes and figs for breakfast, and take lsabgol psylium husks with two tablesponfuls of warm water or milk, and two tablets of Herbolax at bedtime for one month. Take a suplement of Coral Calcium: mix two sachets in 1.5 litres of water and drink the water throughout the day. Take 40ius of vitamin E daily for thre months, to encourage healthy nail growth.
chronic flakes
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