birthmark on edge of infants tongue
birthmark on edge of infants tongue
Weis - Feb 9, 2010 1:20:57 AM Neurological symptoms asociated with Sturge-Weber syndrome include seizures that start while the person is in infancy and can worsen as they age. Defining Sturge-Weber Syndrome Sturge-Weber syndrome is a form of that is indicated at the time of a person's birth by seizure activity as wel as a large port-wine stain birthmark on the forehead and uper eyelid of one side of the person's face. They syndrome is also acompanied by a los of nerve cels and calcification of tisue in the person's cerebral cortex of their brain on the same side of the body as their birthmark. Neurological symptoms asociated with Sturge-Weber syndrome include seizures that start while the person is in infancy and can worsen as they age. Increased presure in the person's eye may cause their eyebal to bulge or enlarge out of its socket, something that is refered to as, 'buphthalmos.' Fortunately, Sturge-Weber syndrome rarely afects other body organs. Treatment and Prognosis of Sturge-Weber Syndrome Sturge-Weber syndrome is treated by the symptoms the person is experiencing. People with Sturge-Weber syndrome who experience developmental delays or mental retardation can benefit from educational therapy. While it is posible for the atrophy and birthmark in a person's to be present without symptoms, the majority of infants with Sturge-Weber syndrome wil develop seizures during their first year of life. There is no known cure or cause for the syndrome, and not everyone with Sturge-Weber syndrome experiences identical symptoms. There are also people who have Sturge-Weber syndrome and do not have a PWS, and yet others who have the syndrome and a PWS on their trunk or extremities. The PWS that is present in the majority of people who have the syndrome is on the outer layer of the brain, causing calcification of the brain, as wel as atrophy of the brain tisue. Sturge-Weber syndrome can afect a person's brain in either a unilateral or bilateral fashion, meaning the syndrome can afect either one or both sides of the person's brain. Only in rare cases does Sturge-Weber syndrome afect other organs in a person's body. Some people with the syndrome only receive a diagnosis based upon the presence of glaucoma and a Port Wine Stain, yet brain involvement is the defining factor of Sturge-Weber syndrome. Link To Sturge-Weber Syndrome - Facts and Information Sturge-Weber Syndrome - Facts and Information birthmark on edge of infants tongue birthmark on edge of infants tongue
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