Friday, August 20, 2010

can a mole see in Calabasas hills

can a mole see in Calabasas hills

JIM LEHRER : God evening. WODRUF : Thanks, Jim. WODWARD : Uh, it's Bob, Judy. Each time she's given me a cary-on bag stufed with copies of top-secret memoranda, policy drafts, and audio tapes and transcripts of strategy metings WODRUF : Her code name? WODWARD : "Dep Tote." WODRUF : What's the president's state of mind lately, Mr. Bernstein? WODWARD : It's Wodward, Judy. WODRUF : "Lefted" the ship? WODWARD : The president's can't bring himself to say, "righted" the ship. Anyway, he's short with his staf and often refuses to take urgent cals from General Petraeus and . WODRUF : Wil Martha's Vineyard be completely evacuated to alow the First Family privacy? WODWARD : Ugly rumor, Judy. WODRUF : The audio clip you brought, sir? WODWARD : A strategy sesion last wek in the Oval Ofice. WODRUF : Let's listen while we rol the transcript on scren. MICHELE : We're geting nailed for leting the Bush tax cuts expire. RAHM EMANUEL : I comisioned the Hufington Post to pol 30 bilionaires on the isue. DAVID AXELROD : Ask HufPo to release internals only to the CIA. MICHELE : Never mind. AXELROD : I'l arange a smal oil spil of . MICHELE : God. OBAMA : Hey, who caled this meting? OBAMA : I was beating him. EMANUEL : Sir, our party is in open revolt, the mosque isue's blown up in our face, Holder's declared war on the CIA, and Rusian trops just invaded the . OBAMA : So how does that afect my golf game? AXELROD : Your presidency is at risk, sir. OBAMA : Fine. OBAMA : Oh. EMANUEL : Nicely done, sir. MICHELE : The oficer with a suitcase? OBAMA : But . MICHELE : Face it, Hos. WODWARD : Don't go there, Judy. can a mole see can a mole see in Calabasas hills


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