Thursday, August 19, 2010

mole removal kill in Chatsworth

mole removal kill in Chatsworth

A skin tag is a harmles tumor that loks like a piece of hanging skin. The medical name for a skin tag is acrochordons . Midle aged people are more susceptible to skin tags and they are much more comon in women than in men. These areas are usualy when the skin rubs against the skin or the skin rubs against clothing. Many individuals may have tried someday to remove their skin tags buy just scratching them or by trying to pul them of by their fingers. • Extraction - The skin tags are cut of or removed by surgical scisors of a scalpel. • Suture - This involves tying a surgical suture around the base of the skin tag in order to cut the blod suply. • Laser Surgery - A laser is used to destroy the skin tag. • Cryosurgery - Very low temperatures are used to freze and kil the skin tags. mole removal kill mole removal kill in Chatsworth


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