Friday, August 13, 2010

prop 8 stay 2010 8 12

prop 8 stay 2010 8 12

US District Judge Vaughn Walker refused Thursday to extend a stay – placed on his ruling that declared California's gay-marriage ban unconstitutional – beyond next week. But rather than an acknowledgment of the merits of Proposition 8 supporters' case, she says the delay is meant as a procedural courtesy to the court of appeals. Walker declared Proposition 8 unconstitutional in a broad Aug. 4 ruling that may eventually amount to a landmark court decision for gay rights, if it is allowed to stand by the appeals court or eventually the US Supreme Court, where many expect the case to eventually be decided. The official proponents of Proposition 8 argued in favor of the extending the stay through the appeals process because, they said, not doing so would create legal confusion about the validity of same-sex marriages taking place before the appeals court rules. Gay marriage supporters said that there are already 18,000 same-sex couples in the state that were married in the period when gay marriages became legal in California and when voters approved Proposition 8 in November 2008. Another sticking point for the granting of a stay – and for the appeal – is the legal standing of those backing Proposition 8. According to Walker, the backers of Prop 8 – the "proponents" prop 8 stay 2010 8 12 prop 8 stay 2010 8 12


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