Monday, November 22, 2010

sports video

sports video

in a study conducted by professionals in sports news, it turned out that sports news broadcasted online are 5 or 6 times faster than live sports news on TV, and that is due to the online sports news sharing, emailing and forwarding potential supplied by the internet. instead of going through live commentaries and waiting for pages to refresh every minute, we can watch live sports online through specialized websites like, and The free live sports online is basically a new feature, that is expected to boom in nations where work ranks first as a priority and where there’s merely time to read or watch TV. With the mobile technology, some sports websites are signing marketing affiliate deals with mobile phones manufacturers such as iphone and Blackberry so that active people can get to watch live sports online through mobile phones… can you imagine yourself watching the NFL Super Bowl on cell phone or the NBA finals on iPhone? Even sports authority websites, sports centers online, sports bookmakers online and sports news websites are all switching towards multimedia sports news… they are fully aware that people are not readers, but are more interested in live sports action and livescores.
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