Friday, August 20, 2010

mole rat in Bar code term annex

mole rat in Bar code term annex

We al know that moles can be such pests with those enormous mole hils they leave behind and the flowers they kil by eating their rots. Various anti mole home remedies have ben sugested including: buying a cat, shoving garlic cloves down the mole tunels, stamping down the mole hils to try to sufocate the mole as wel as many often laughable ways to try to kil the mole. If you go down the route of buying a cat to take care of your mole problem you wil end up with a nice pet but I have yet to come acros a cat owner who has sucesfuly had their cat eradicate their mole. Garlic cloves down mole tunels wil only encourage your moles by providing them with a tasty snack and methods to kil the mole usualy end in the hunter hurting themselves instead of the mole. mole rat in Bar code term annex


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