Friday, August 13, 2010

what time is the meteor shower august 2010 2010 8 13

what time is the meteor shower august 2010 2010 8 13

Instead, Dr. Brown's team is using a new optical device it's developed for tracking meteors with unprecedented detail, pinpointing them at each spot along their paths through the sky to within about 30 feet. From the glow of a meteor, the scientists aim to gather information on the chemistry taking place on its surface – reactions energized by the enormous heat that builds on the object as it collides with Earth's atmosphere. these days, says Brown, a physics professor and meteor maven at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. They have become cosmic bread crumbs leading back to the discovery of new sources for meteor shows, beyond the occasional passage of active comets. Then the team traced the meteoroids to an interstellar dust streamer coming from Beta Pictoris, a star some 63 light-years away that has planets forming from a disk of dust that surrounds it. But if meteoroids of sufficient size do strike Earth's atmosphere and their appearance could be predicted, scientists could plan campaigns to gather spectral information from the light the meteors emit. So far, 60 showers have been confirmed as each coming from a unique source, according to Peter Jenniskens, a meteor specialist at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, Calif., who heads an IAU committee tasked with naming meteor showers. Indeed, the device that Brown's team is developing could improve scientists' ability to trace meteor showers to their sources. Its ability to track a meteor's travel across the sky with high precision will allow modelers to better determine the orbit of the dust trail it came from. But meteors also could have played a considerable role. "Could meteors have played a large role in the biological seeding and development of the Earth? what time is the meteor shower august 2010 2010 8 13 what time is the meteor shower august 2010 2010 8 13


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