Sunday, August 8, 2010

Prevent Diabetes - Babies Birth Defects - Gestational Diabetes ...

Women who are planning to become pregnant or who have already become pregnant need to know that diabetes are of two types: i) Diabetes that had existed from before pregnancy and ii) Diabetes that develops during pregnancy, also known as . Pregnant mothers who already have diabetes from before pregnancy or developed gestational diabetes after becoming pregnant mostly deliver larger babies which is due to the reason that the extra sugar that is being produced by the mother is being transferred to the baby through an umbilical cord where insulin converts the sugar into fat. By keeping a close watch on the diet, the mothers can themselves avert the risk of developing diabetes while pregnant or can prevent the situation from becoming further complicated if she has already been affected by diabetes before becoming pregnant. Regular physical exercise, losing weight and a can keep gestational diabetes at bay as well as combat normal diabetes successfully.


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