Sunday, August 8, 2010

Low-Carb Diet Trumps Low-Fat On 'Good' Cholesterol: Temple ...

Over the long term, a low-carb diet works just as well as a low-fat diet at taking off the pounds – But those on the low-carbohydrate diet got a bigger boost in their so-called good cholesterol, nearly twice as much as those on low-fat. In previous studies, low-carb diets have done better at weight loss at six months, but longer-term results have been mixed. The key difference was in HDL, or good cholesterol: a 23 percent increase from low-carb dieting compared to a 12 percent improvement from low-fat, said Gary Foster, director of Temple University's Center for Obesity Research and Education, who led the federally funded study. Half followed a low-carb diet modeled after the Atkins' plan and half went on a low-calorie, low-fat diet. All attended group sessions to help them change bad eating habits, get more active and stick to their diets. After two years, there was no major differences between diet groups, except in good cholesterol. Why the low-carb diet had a bigger effect on good cholesterol isn't known, the researchers said. Foster, the study leader, said dieters should be less concerned about which diet to use, and focus on finding the support or technique –


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